Friday, November 22, 2013

"Your hair looks weird..."

I work at a daycare with amazingly smart and sweet children, between the ages of 1 to 4 years old right outside of Stockholm. I haven't seen many black people in that area, I'm almost positive that I'm the first black person the kids encountered on a daily basis and formed a relationship with.
Fast forward to about 2 weeks ago, I decided to rock my Afro to work. It's the complete opposite from long, straight hair, and, completely different from what the kids (and even some of my colleagues) have seen up close. I was definitely met with curious  stares that day and comments like "why is your hair like that?" and "it looks weird". (LOL)
Now I've already explained to kids why I have dark skin and that I'm from Africa but the hair was something they couldn't quite figure out. I tried to explain to them that just like people have different skin-, eye- and hair color, people also have different hair textures but, in essence, we are all the same. (Cliché maybe but it worked!)

Once they understood that it's just hair, they couldn't keep their little hands off of it. (Oh boy..) 

Stay tuned for more

Love Always,


  1. Alltid roligt att hitta en svensk natural hair blogg! Lite skönt att hitta en blogg då det känns som att så få människor går ut med deras vackra naturliga hår här i sverige .. hahaha känner mig lite som en ailen ibland då man själv är natural! Men grym blogg har du verkligen keep up with the good work :D

    1. Hej Bana!
      Va kul att du hittade hit :-) Tack så mycket!
      Haha, jag vet vad du menar men förhoppningsvis blir fler tjejer inspirerade av tjejer som dig själv :-D
      Bloggar du själv?

    2. ja hahah "the struggle" som jag brukar kalla det för men men .. man blir van med tiden! och ja! jag försöker peppa små kusiner o så ibland :) nej tyvärr men har en instagram: Baniish

    3. Haa! The struggle indeed!
      Okej nice, jag skickar en friend request :-)
