Thursday, July 24, 2014

Well look who decided to blog again... *sideeyes myself*

I know, I know.. You're probably thinking, "Guuurl where the hell you been?" and I wish I had something deep to y'all. Like a life lesson or something so dope that people are gonna start quoting.. (I've always wanted to be quoted...)
No girl (or boy.....) I hate to disappoint but I've just been uninspired (and lazy) to write. However, I needed that hiatus to work out some other things in my personal life. Cuz 'ish' happens but that's life ..
I do however want to THANK YOU for still checking in on me and the blog, I truly appreciate the L.O.V.E. 

Good news tho!! 
I was honored to be in my first panel discussion about beauty standards and how it pertains to black people. The event is coordinated by Afrosvenska Akademin, which is a newly established project for young people of the African diaspora in hopes of promoting knowledge and self-awareness. 

I was excited and super duper nervous because it was a great challenge since I've never done anything like it before.
(I seriously hate public speaking. I used fake being sick in school just so I wouldn't have to hold a presentation lmao). 
Despite the fact that my nerves were all over the place and that I kinda forgot what I wanted to say (lol), I put my game face on and went up on that stage. 
I'm proud of myself for that.

Another post on the topic we discussed as well as my own thoughts will be up soon.

Love Always,