Hey world!
I've been procrastinating for way too long. So now I'm finally doing it.. I'm going write my own natural hair blog. And I'm excited to see where this new venture will take me!
The blog will basically be a hair journal. I will write about my regimen, protective styles, inspirations and future goals.
I kinda started on my natural hair journey by "mistake". I say that because I just stopped relaxing and I can't remember when! *shrugs* However, I was inspired to cut all of my relaxed ends in June of 2009 after watching (literally) hundreds of natural hair journeys on YouTube.
My aim is, first, to keep closer tabs on my hair journey (I've been slacking y'all). Second, hopefully connect with other natural hair enthusiasts out in World Wide Web and hopefully in my home base, Sweden.
Stay tuned for more!!
Love always,